Understanding and Caring for your Skin Type | Shop by Skin Type
Different skin needs different amounts of attention, even down to how often you should wash your face! Once you know your skin type, it’s much easier to be able to improve your skin health and care for it in the right way.
So, what is my skin type?
The type of skin you have relates to the levels of water and oil in your skin. The balance of these levels is what determines your skin type. This can present itself in a variety of ways.
We’ve listed these skin types and concerns below, with some of the signs to help you spot them:
My skin is normal, smooth and there are no signs of flaking or oiliness
My skin feels tight and is often flaky/scaly
My forehead, nose and chin are oily, while the rest of my skin feels dry. My t-zone often has blackheads, breakouts and enlarged pores
My skin looks shiny and feels slick when touched. I regularly have breakouts
My skin feels/looks tired and dull. It also feels itchy
I often suffer from skin reactions such as rashes, stinging, redness and itchiness.
Now you have ascertained what skin type you are, it’s time to understand what that means and what you can do to enhance it.
Understanding my skin type

SKIN TYPE: Normal Skin
What is normal skin?
Normal skin is well balanced, meaning that the levels of moisture and sebum are stable. This is scientifically known as eudermic skin. This can be identified by a soft and smooth texture, fine pores, no blemishes and good blood circulation. Normal skin experiences no severe sensitivity.
Just because you have normal skin, doesn’t mean it’s always in great condition. You can still have a little dryness, mild sensitivity and oiliness occasionally, but for the most part it’s healthy and balanced.
Luckily, normal skin is easy to manage - any changes to the balance can be addressed easily and it’s rare you’ll encounter a blemish or breakout that can’t be banished.
Why do I have normal skin?
Much like hair or eye colour, normal skin is inherited. It’s all in your DNA! Nothing you’ve done has caused it, you’re just blessed with those good genes.
Your sebum and moisture levels are balanced, meaning that the natural oils in your skin are equal to the amount of water. You’re balanced and blemish free - the dream!
How can I manage normal skin?
Normal skin requires very little effort to keep it healthy and in good shape. Just a little TLC will keep you glowing!
Here are our PRO Tips for managing Normal skin:
- Get that blood pumping! Good blood circulation pushes more nutrients and oxygen to the cells, helping them to renew and refresh. A regular exercise routine can help your skin stay healthy.
- Hydration is key. Making sure you’re drinking plenty of water will aid your skin's moisture levels, helping it to look plump and youthful.
- Protect your skin with SPF. Your skin is great, so you need to do everything you can to protect it. Use moisturisers and make up with SPF to ensure you’re protected from the sun's UV rays.
- Adjust your routine to target minor concerns. As we mentioned, even normal skin can get a little dry or oily from time to time. It’s important to not go too hard with heavy or specialist antidotes, as these are designed specifically for those with skin types that need a more heavy duty remedy and could cause your skin even more issues. Instead keep it simple, if you’re feeling a little dry, switch to a richer moisturizer. Tackling a breakout? Add a blemish treatment to your routine.
Which products should I use?
BeautyPro Detoxifying Bubbling Cleansing Mask - No matter how good your skin is, it’s always important to regularly cleanse the pores to tackle dirt and toxins. This detoxifying mask foams and bubbles to work it’s way into the skin and offer a powerful purifying treatment. Shop now >>
BeautyPro Brightening Collagen Sheet Mask - This best selling mask will help you to give your skin a boost when it’s feeling tired or dull. The Vitamin C formula evens the skin tones, brightens the complexion and results in a youthful and radiant glow. Shop now >>
Shop all products for Normal Skin
What is dry skin?Dry skin often feels tight and has a rough texture that can lead to flaking, itching, scaling and peeling. This is a very common skin concern and can vary from mild to severe. In more severe cases, fine lines or cracks could appear and occasionally it can cause bleeding.
Why do I have dry skin?
Dry skin occurs when the epidermis, the outer layers of your skin, doesn’t have enough moisture. This can happen to any part of the body and causes the skin to stop functioning as highly as would be ideal.
Some people are born with naturally dry skin while some can develop it because of external elements. This could be things such as hot or cold weather, harsh soaps/chemicals, a lack of moisture in the air, hormonal changes, certain fabrics or too much time in hot water.
Weather can be a big factor in affecting the dryness of the skin. It’s more prevalent in colder and drier climates or during the autumn/winter months when the levels of humidity in the air are lower. High levels of humidity are more friendly to the skin as it prevents it from drying out or losing moisture. However, it’s not just outdoors temperatures that will affect your skin's moisture levels - heating indoors can also lead to skin dryness.
Another cause could be ageing. This is because older skin is more prone to dryness than younger skin as the amounts of natural skin oils that protect the skin have diminished.
Some people may have dry skin all of the time, however others can experience dry skin occasionally regardless of their skin type. Even those with oily skin can experience dryness from time to time.
How can I manage dry skin?
Dry skin can worsen and become painful. It’s important to carefully manage your skin to limit the effects of dryness and to prevent any pain or discomfort. As with anything, prevention is better than a cure, so it’s better to address the issues when they are mild rather than waiting for a flare up in the future.
Here are our PRO tips for managing dry skin:
- The best natural ingredients you can use on dry skin are coconut, shea and chamomile. Using formulas with these in them will nourish, moisturise and hydrate the skin, encouraging it to soften and feel soothed.
- Hyaluronic acid is your best friend - using products with Hyaluronic Acid will help to intensely rehydrate your skin. The particles can draw moisture from the air, holding almost 1000 times its own weight in water. This ingredient will replenish cell moisture and aid the cells in locking it in. This will plump and hydrate the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Establish a solid skincare routine. Your dry skin needs regular TLC so ensure to have an appropriate plan in place. In the morning you should cleanse, tone and moisturise to really set your skin up for the day. Carry a lip balm or butter throughout the day to stop them getting chapped or sore. In the evening, ensure to remove all make up with a thorough cleanse, tone the skin and treat with a hydrating treatment such as a serum or sheet mask.
- Washing your face? Skip the towel dry and apply your moisturiser onto wet skin to lock in even more hydration.
- Avoid soaking in long hot baths or showers. The heat from the water can cause your skin to dry out even more. Instead, turn down the heat and aim to spend less than 10 minutes in the shower or bath.
- Venturing out into the cold? Wrap up warm and cover as much skin as you can. This will help to protect against the cold and the wind to stop it from drying out even further.
- When using skincare products, opt for ointments or creams over lotions as these are likely to be more effective and less irritating to the skin.
Which products should I use?
BeautyPro Hyaluronic Acid Gold Foil Mask - As we’ve mentioned, hyaluronic acid is a great ingredient for dry skin. In our self-heating gold foil mask the HA will deeply hydrate the skin, improving its elasticity, keeping it moisturised and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Shop now >>
BeautyPro Plant Based Coconut Infused Sheet Mask - Coconut is a nourishing and hydrating ingredient that will repair the skin, flush out toxins and increase the levels of nutrients present. This will leave your face feeling soft, supple and soothed. Shop now >>
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SKIN TYPE: Combination Skin
What is combination skin?Combination skin can be characterised by some parts of the face being oily, while others areas are dry. This usually means that the t-zone (forehead, nose and chin) are more oily than the rest of the face, as well as having more noticeable pores and more regular blackheads and blemishes. The other areas of your face experience dryness, which could be seen through rough, flaky, scaly or itchy skin.
Why do I have combination skin?
Combination skin occurs due to unbalanced sebum production - meaning some of the sebaceous glands are overactive and producing too much oil while other glands are underactive and are therefore causing dryness.
As with many skin types, this skin type is inherited and is therefore part of your DNA. However there are other factors that can worsen the issue by affecting the severity of the imbalance.
This could be external factors such as lack of sleep, high stress, using the wrong skin care products, touching your face too often or having a lowered immune system.
Using the wrong skin care products can make a real impact on your sebum levels. You’ll need to be careful to not use too harsh formulas on your skin in case it dries out your dry areas further or encourages your oily areas to produce even more sebum.
Another factor that can cause issues is if you’re touching your face too often. Each time you touch your face, you’re transferring any bacteria or grime you’ve come into contact with onto your face. This can lead to even more sebum production as well as making it even easier for this dirt to clog the pores.
How can I manage combination skin?
It can be daunting choosing a product for combination skin, as it’s vital you keep the balance stable. Each oily and dry area requires its own attention.
Here are our PRO tips for managing combination skin:
- Bypass intense formulas - as we’ve mentioned, using the wrong skincare products can really affect the sebum levels of your skin. If you use a powerful treatment focused at oily skin, it could dry out your dry areas even more, and vice versa. Instead shop for combination specific products or formulas that are more gentle to the skin.
- Tailor the products to each part of the face - if you do notice that your oily skin is getting out of control or your dry skin is flaky or irritated, you can utilise different formulas to directly address these issues. Applying specific formulas to different parts of your face will help to create the perfect combination to balance the skin. For example, use a heavier moisturiser only on dry areas, while using a more lightweight option on the t-zone.
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will improve your skin! As with anything, regular exercise, healthy eating and upping your water consumption will help you to keep the oil/water balance in control.
- Cold weather can cause issues - as winter draws in, your skin can really suffer the effects of bitter weather outside and artificial heating ramped up inside. This is when it’s really key to maintain the moisture levels in the skin. Ensure you are regularly moisturising to ensure your skin stays soft and supple - choose an oil free formula to avoid adding additional oils to your t-zone.
- Exfoliate regularly - but avoid over exfoliation! It’s so important to exfoliate at least once a week as this helps to rid your skin of dead skin cells and any build up of dirt or grime on the surface. Exfoliated skin is then able to take in more of the ingredients in your usual skincare products, therefore enabling them to work more effectively. It is important however not to over exfoliate as this can irritate your face, causing discomfort. We’d recommend starting once a week and upping the frequency to 2 or 3 times a week if your skin tolerates it.
- When choosing a toner, go for one that is alcohol free to avoid any further drying out of the face. These could affect the moisture levels in your face and cause the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum.
Which products should I use?
BeautyPro Black Peel Charcoal Mask - this skin rejuvenating formula works deep into the pores to remove toxins, bacteria or any build up of grime. This helps to thoroughly cleanse the area, removing any pollutants that may be clogging the pores or causing an oily build up. Shop now >>
BeautyPro Nourishing Collagen Mask - This powerful formula utilising Olive extract to promote the regeneration of cells and intensely hydrate the area. Hydration refers to the levels of water in the skin rather than oils, this is key because it will not worsen the oiliness but will simply make it easier for toxins to be flushed out and nutrients to circulate. Shop now >>
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SKIN TYPE: Oily Skin
What is oily skin?
Those with oily skin experience a greasy or shiny face, with visibly enlarged pores and a susceptibility to blemishes, blackheads and acne. This is due to excess oil produced by the sebaceous glands.
Sebum is vital for the skin as it lubricates it and prevents it from drying out. However, this can cause issues if these glands produce too much sebum as it will clog the pores and trap pollutants and impurities, causing blemishes.
Why do I have oily skin?
Oily skin is hereditary and therefore isn’t something you’ll be able to cure but there are ways that it can be managed to reduce the impact of the oiliness and keep it under control.
External factors can cause the oiliness to worsen. These are things such as increased hormone levels, changes in climate, poor diet and over washing.
Hormones play a massive role in affecting your sebum levels. This could be due to changes such as adolescence, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Your hormones can also increase when you’re not getting enough sleep or are highly stressed. These things can increase the androgen levels in your body, leading to higher sebum production and therefore an oilier face.
Changes in climate can refer to if you’re visiting a more humid climate as this can cause your skin to produce more oils than colder places. This is good to know as you can prepare for the increased oiliness in advance and make sure you have the correct products with you to fix it.
Finally, as with anything, your skin will be made worse when you use the wrong products on it. Using formulas that are not created for oily skin can enhance sebum production, as can using overly harsh treatments that could strip away the moisture from the skin. This is why it’s really important to pick out the products that are right for you.
How can I manage oily skin?
The main aim for those with oily skin is balance. Ideally you want to reduce the excess of oil without reducing your skin’s healthy natural moisture.
Here are our PRO tips for managing oily skin:
- Make sure you wash your face with a gentle foaming facial wash each morning, night and after exercise to remove excess oil. It’s important to do this gently and not to scrub your face as this can cause irritation and lead to further oil production.
- Overwashing can cause its own issues by removing the skin’s protective natural oils. Be sure to not over wash and stick to the morning, night and post exercise routine.
- Moisturizer is still key to your skincare routine. Some people are put off by moisturizer, thinking that it’s going to make their skin even more oily. This doesn’t have to be the case. Choose a light and oil free formula - this will hydrate and increase the moisture levels in your skin, without causing more oils to build up. It’s important to keep your skin hydrated, as if it’s not, your sebaceous glands will produce more oil to compensate.
- SPF is an essential! UV rays can stimulate sebum production = oilier skin. Therefore by applying a sunscreen you can prevent this and protect your skin from sun damage.
- Lifestyle can have an impact on your sebum production so sticking to a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and reducing stress levels can all result in a more balanced complexion.
- When choosing make up, opt for formulas that are oil free and non-comedogenic as these will help to keep the pores clear and your skin balanced. Wearing make up for a lesser amount of time will also aid this balance so try to take it off as soon as you get home rather than just before bed.
- Ingredients to look out for that will help to balance the sebum levels and repair any damage the oil has caused are: clay, oatmeal, almonds, aloe vera, tomatoes and jojoba oil.
- Adding a retinol product to your skincare routine can help to shrink the sebaceous glands and reduce oiliness. It will also help you to tackle acne and clogged pores.
Which products should I use?
BeautyPro Pink Clay Mask - This deeply cleansing clay mask provides a deep lifting treatment that removes impurities from the pores. The powerful formula also works to tighten the pores, improve skin tone and hydrate the skin, leaving it feeling renewed and nourished. Shop now >>
BeautyPro Planted Based Herb Infused Sheet Mask - This natural mask harnesses the power of herbs to rejuvenate and replenish the skin. Using rosemary, chamomile and noni juice, this antioxidant rich formula will reduce enlarged pores, fight acne breakouts and flush out toxins. Shop now >>
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SKIN TYPE: Dehydrated Skin
What is dehydrated skin?Dehydrated skin is not a skin type, but a skin condition. This means it can happen to all of us, this is why it’s so important to be able to spot the signals to prevent it from getting to a point where it causes issues.
It’s characterised by a lack of water in the skin that leaves the face looking dull, feeling itchy and sensitive, with increased appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This is because the skin barrier is damaged and therefore moisture can escape and irritants can get in.
It’s important to remember that hydration is different to oils. Hydration refers to the levels of water and this is key to ensuring that your skin is healthy, looks plump and can easily circulate nutrients while pushing out toxins. This is not to be confused with the natural oils ‘sebum’ that also bring moisture to the skin. Therefore, even those with oily skin can still experience dehydration.
Why do I have dehydrated skin?
Dehydration can be caused by a number of factors, which is why it can be difficult to avoid. These could be things such as:
- Environmental changes such as cold weather, wind, pollution and UV rays
- Emotional triggers such as stress or tiredness
- Chemicals that are harsh or aggressive
- Lifestyle choices such as alcohol and tobacco
- Some medical treatments or medications
While these factors can sometimes be unavoidable, being aware of the triggers can help you to steer clear of them in the future.
How can I manage dehydrated skin?
As a temporary condition, dehydrated skin can be alleviated by following some simple steps.
Here are our PRO tips for managing dehydrated skin:
- Drinking sufficient water throughout the day will give your body the best chance to be able to repair itself. Be sure to have a good drink first thing in the morning as this is when your skin will be at its lowest level of hydration.
- Repair and strengthen your skin barrier - when this layer of vital lipids and fats is removed or damaged, it can harm the moisture levels in the skin and allow pollutants to enter more easily. Formulas that contain ceramides, shea butter and coconut oil can help to keep this barrier intact, as well as treatments with pre- and probiotics.
- Hyaluronic acid is the perfect ingredient to boost your hydration levels. It attracts water molecules and holds them - holding up to 1000 its own weight in liquid. If you have oily skin, choose a HA formula that is light and oil free.
- Healthy skin will retain water a lot easier than damaged or weak skin. Taking omega supplements can help to strengthen the omega fatty acids that make up your cell membranes. This repairs and strengthens cells from a deep cellular level.
- Try to avoid indoor spaces that are air conditioned or over heated as this can be a lot harsher on the skin. Your skin will be much happier in a space that is more humid, with more moisture in the air. This is because less liquid will evaporate from the skin.
- Invest in a night cream to lock in moisture and encourage cell renewal. This will help to strengthen the skin and ensure hydration levels are stable.
Which products should I use?
BeautyPro Rejuvenating Collagen Sheet Mask - This powerful formula is intensely hydrating, utilising antioxidants to replenish and enhance the skin. After use, your skin will feel toned, youthful and plump thanks to the mask's anti-ageing properties. Shop now >>
BeautyPro Plant Based Rose infused Sheet Mask - This vegan mask is a soothing treatment that relieves and softens the skin, aiding moisture retention and bringing instant relief to dehydrated areas. Shop now >>
Shop all products for Dehydrated Skin

SKIN TYPE: Sensitive Skin
What is sensitive skin?Sensitive skin is more reactive than is normal. This is due to the nerve endings in the skin’s top layer becoming irritated. This in turn causes the natural skin barrier to weaken or be broken down by external factors.
This irritation often leads to stinging, redness, itchiness, peeling or a bumpy texture on the skin. When reactions happen, it can cause flare ups on the face, with eyelids known for being a particularly sensitive area.
Similarly to dehydration, sensitive skin isn’t a skin type but instead is a common skin condition that can affect anyone at different points in their life.
Why do I have sensitive skin?
There are different types of sensitive skin. This is because there’s a wide range of triggers that can cause reactions, so it’s easier to categorise these triggers into groups to understand what it is that specifically affects you. Not all sensitive skin will react to the same triggers.
The 4 main types of sensitive skin are:
- Naturally sensitive - this is a genetic trigger and is often linked to other skin conditions, namely eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.
- Environmentally sensitive - this is when reactions are caused by factors pertaining to the environment. This could be sun exposure, air pollution or cold climates.
- Reactive skin - this occurs when your skin comes into contact with a substance or material. This could be things such as soaps, detergents, dye and skincare formulas.
- Thin skin - as we grow older, our skin naturally becomes thinning meaning it can be irritated more easily.
We all come into contact with so many external triggers every day which is why it’s likely that everyone will experience sensitive skin from time to time. However, if you’re consistently battling issues with sensitivity it could be a sign of a skin condition so therefore could be a good time to speak to a professional.
How can I manage sensitive skin?
The discomfort caused by sensitive skin reactions can rush you into finding a quick fix solution or piling on too many formulas that can cause further irritation. Instead, take a clear approach to the problem and be gentle to your skin.
Here are our PRO tips for managing sensitive skin:
- Be careful not to overwash the skin - maintaining your natural oils and a strong skin barrier is key to repairing the damage caused by sensitive skin. Over washing the area can remove or damage these and cause further discomfort. Gently wash the skin morning and night and avoid hot water or harsh soaps.
- Pick out products that are gentle and fragrance free with a limited number of ingredients to avoid any further flare ups. You should keep this in mind when choosing soaps, detergents and moisturisers. The fewer ingredients you put on the skin, the less likely that you will experience a reaction. Avoid products that contain antibacterial or deodorant ingredients, alcohol or retinoids.
- Test new products on a discreet area of skin 24 hours before you complete a full application to be sure that your skin will not react to it.
- In terms of make up, use a silicone based foundation to reduce irritation, avoid waterproof cosmetics that require stronger cleansers to remove, stick to black eyeliner and mascara as they are the least allergenic and use pencil eyeliner and eyebrow pencil as liquid versions often contain latex and can cause reactions.
- Wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays
- At home, try not to overheat the space as this will encourage more moisture to evaporate from your skin, causing further irritation.
- Avoid harsh peels or exfoliators as these will do even more damage to the skin’s natural barrier.
- As we age, our skin will become drier and thinner, therefore more susceptible to reactions. If you’re experiencing increased sensitivity, dial back on some of the anti-ageing products you’re using. Ingredients such as retinol are known to be irritants and could be worsening the sensitivity.
Which products should I use?
BeautyPro Plant Based Avocado Infused Sheet Face Mask - This nourishing formula intensely hydrates and moisturises the skin, locking in water and circulating nutrients. Avocado encourages cell repair and aids healing, making it the perfect ingredient to help alleviate any irritation or damage caused by sensitivity. Shop here >>
BeautyPro Hyaluronic Acid Gold Foil Mask - This deeply hydrating and nourishing treatment utilises your own body heat to powerfully insert its ingredients deep below the skin's surface. This helps it to repair a multitude of issues and provide instant results. Shop here >>
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